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Q:What kind of products can be produced? A: We mainly manufacture dispensers / winder, laminating machines and corona treatment machines, but we can also manufacture prototype manufacturing machines according to your request. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Q: What kind of consultation can you take? A: We will accept design consultation assuming productization from a little consultation at the planning stage.
Q: Is it possible to request quotation? A: We will confirm the contents of the production and submit the estimate.  First of all, please feel free to call 04-2952-6008.
Q: Can you only ask for design? A: We can deal with only designing. In order to satisfy the quality of the final machine, we recommend that we respond with responsibility until processing and assembly.
Q: Can you make a simple device to make a prototype? A: We will help you from simple laboratory equipment to equipment based on production design.
Q: Is mass handling after prototyping not handled? A: We are good at prototyping, but we can handle mass production as well. Please evaluate the prototype’s performance and consult us.
Q: Is it possible to deal with cases other than Kanto? A: We can deal with the case. Please leave it to me.
Q: Can I consult even if the specific specification is not settled? A: We will create a manga (punch picture) while we ask for specifications and we will propose it. Approximate estimate is submitted based on the specification / conceptual diagram.

Product support information

Tsukumo Engineering Co., Ltd. will support customers with the following service items. Please consider using it in conjunction with product introduction.

Support service after purchase

Tsukumo Engineering Co., Ltd. provides you with a safe or detailed support after purchasing the product by contracting the support service product “○○○○○○”.

Technical support service (program product technical service)

It is a service that responds to various problems and troubles facing customers concerning Tsukumo engineering products in each phase of system planning, design, introduction, and operation. Program product Technical service is a “consultation service” for efficiently running software in the system, “educational service” that can improve the technical capabilities of customer system developers, “providing” various procedures and sample programs ” Technical document / sample program provision service “and so on. Program Product Technical Service that provides services that make full use of advanced technology know-how possessed by product development engineers.Customers can not only shorten the period until system startup but also optimize system operation.


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